Phil Dirt - Reverb Central
PO Box 7240, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-7240 USA

album coverWave Invasion Which Way To The Beach 4 stars
Label: Wave Invasion CD-R Release

Wave Invasion came out of the ashes of Surf Beat, from which came Vince Motel - guitar, and Jeff Dover - drums. The other members of the band are Richard Fisher - bass, and Andrew Motel - guitar. They are headquartered in Norco, California. The demo sound seems to me to be an impedance to full enjoyment, but the originals are mostly solid, and the covers often fresh and inventive.

Picks: Elevated Operator, The Simpsons, Undun, Formosa Rectangle, Arkansas Wetsuit, Surf Bound, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Beaches and Hodads, Eleanor Rigby, Port Vue, Bangalore, Surf's Upper

"Elevated Operator" 4 stars

Open road surf for an adventure on the holiday highway. The riff is splendid, and the rhythmic energy solid. Lots of optimism and charm here.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Which Way To The Beach" 3 stars

Heavy damped reverb rhythm guitar backs a basic riff. The energy is great, but the melody line weak.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"The Simpsons" 3 stars

Homer rides the bigguns, while Bart shoots the curb. This is a cool track, a cross between surf and a cartoon journey. Simple and fun, with splashing glissandoes, and a double picked verse to boot.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Blacktoppin'" 2 stars

The road calls, but the riff doesn't gel. Kinda noodly. I suspect a different mix would help.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Undun" 3 stars

The Guess Who's "Undun" is instrumentalized. It;s surprising how well it works this way. Nice track.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Formosa Rectangle" 4 stars

The warble of a Theremin launches "Formosa Rectangle" on its way to the curl. Mix issues aside, the song is a fun journey along an adventure road, with a good melody line and a bit of spookiness. Great drums and fluid playing from all.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Arkansas Wetsuit" 3 stars

Hickoidal splashing and dashing down a country road in search of a hoedown. Funnin' is the main thing here.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Surf Bound" 4 stars

This is a pretty cool version of the Nevegans' [Teen Beats] "Surf Bound," with plenty of energy and spunk. It's an excellent performance and arrangement, with a full-on delivery. Reverent without being a replica.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Wish You Were Her" 3 stars

"Wish You Were Her" is tastefully done, with a sultry opening and fluid main body. The melody runs well, and the energy is all there.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" 4 stars

Enio Morricone's magical "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" is all decked out in an Indian beat and plenty of Italian drama. This is an original arrangement that stands up well against the pack. the rhythmic beat and solid power, and the thundering bass lines combine to create a fine version.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Beaches and Hodads" 3 stars

"Beaches and Hodads" is rockin' somewhat bluesy song with a quirky arrangement. At first, it seems odd, but soon enough it grows on you, and you're hooked.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Eleanor Rigby" 4 stars

I think this is the only surf versions of this song. The Beatles' "Eleanor Rigby" works well instrumentally, because of it's excellent melody. Rhythmic, whammy chorded, surfable, and charming. Very cool!
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Drownin' Out" 3 stars

With a saucy rhythm, "Drownin' Out" plays like a blues for a party. It's a fun song with a catchy little riff.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Port Vue" 4 stars

"Port Vue" is a heavy song with an interesting melody. On the sad side, with great percussion and bass, it's an adventurous song for a drive down a coastal highway.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Bangalore" 4 stars

The Blazers' shredder "Bangalore" gets tribal drums and lots of texture. A solid cover with lots of drive and panache. The rippin' glissandoes provide extra fire.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"A Summer Place" 3 stars

Percy Faith's "Theme From A Summer Place" runs softly like the last dance romancer it is. Very pretty.
Surf Instrumental Stereo

"Surf's Upper" 5 stars

Vibrato shimmer opens this song. As it rises, it develops edge and drama, then fires into dueling shredder guitars and power lines. This is the highlight of the disc, with amazing dominance for 5 minutes of tubular dreams. Excellent!
Surf Instrumental Stereo